Adocs is a simple and performant documentation site template built with VitePress —the static site generator powered by Vite and Vuejs.
Problem Statement
I wasn't really thinking about any problem in particular when I built Adocs. This was just a template I thought would help developers build their docs sites quickly without having to code it from scratch.
I also noticed there were limited articles on how to use VitePress so I wrote an article that is published on freeCodeCamp: How to Build a Modern Documentation Site with VitePress
Technical Details
- Static Generator:
- Custom Styles:
- Hosting:
Features and Functionality
- Theme Switcher: Users can toggle their preferred color theme mode.
- Customized Landing Page: Custom styles added using
- Open Sourced: This template is publicly available for use. You can check the Adocs repository
- When you Google VitePress , the first article that pops-up is Adocs, just after their official documentation. :)
- The project on GitHub has crossed over 45 stars and 22 forks
Challenges and Learning
VitePress was my first experience using a static site generator that supports markdown syntax so it was a fresh experience for me and I learned quite a lot, which was summarized in the article.